PrimeLister comes with a 7-days free trial. The main reason why we are offering a free trial is to let our users try PrimeLister out by themselves and see how it works and how it improves their selling performance.
However, each user can post up to 100 listings. After posting 100 listings, our users are not capable of using PrimeLister for free even if their free trial days did not end up yet.
PrimeLister is a competitive tool and some people tend to relist thousands of listings after creating a free trial account without paying for the service. That is unfair for our existing users that already pay for the service and this limit is set to protect the fair usage amongst our users.
If you exceeded your posting quota in the free trial, click here to upgrade to PrimeLister Pro.
Notice: If you are thinking that you did not have a chance to use your 100 postings or you did not have a chance to try the tool for free within 7 days, you can always get in touch with us using the live chat in PrimeLister Dashboard.